Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hayden Smiley - Week 7 Blog Post

The Empire State Building
(Architect: William F. Thompson)

Today the Empire State Building may not look as impressive when compared to more modern skyscrapers, but for 40 years this structure reigned as the tallest building in the world, form 1931 to 1970. Standing 103 stories tall, 1,454 feet high, this building was quite the architectural feet for its day. This powerful design by William F. Thompson exudes stability, wealth and longevity. Though, the opening of this building coincided with the great depression and did not actually make money until the 1950's.

The building is iconic to the New York skyline, and also serves as a cultural icon. Growing up, the Empire State building is all I knew of New York. When I visited the building, the art deco décor, brass railings, and marble floors transported my mind to an older time. Being in the Empire State building really solidified my journey to New York City. The building’s stature felt unwavering and the materials used in decoration exuded luxury and wealth.

At the viewing deck I was able to experience New York in a new light. Through the fog and haze, Christmas the bustle of the city was slightly obstructed, and I became an observer of the commotion below. Being in the tower I felt safe and calm, as compared to being in the streets of the city. The Empire State building, to me, represents stability in a forever evolving and bustling city.

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