Thursday, August 21, 2014

Austin Harvanek 2

This is the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, it is also the place where I grew up. No not behind the big walls but yes inside that gate in the bottom picture. This place played a huge role in my life growing up whether it was seeing my dad go to work there everyday, or watching the inmates serve their time day in and day out. This place taught me why it is smart to do the right thing and not commit a crime. Getting to see this place the way I did definitely helped me know and understand that I never want to end up there during my life. This place also taught me fear and safety at the same time. sometimes seeing some of these guys and knowing what some of them did to get there made me scared and added to why I never wanted to end up there. It taught me safety too though because I knew that they were locked up and not getting out unless released, and during there time they always had people watching or monitoring what they were doing. I can definitely give this place some credit in helping form me into the person I am today.

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