Monday, December 1, 2014

Seth Thomas - ARCH 3013 - Blog #2

Most students here at OU call the Physical Science Center "the Blender." The shape looks like a Warner Blender due to the unique concrete design that makes up the lower walls of the building, but many people never ask why this building is so different from the others on campus or anywhere for that matter.

A professor told me my freshman year that architects were hired to design a building that would protect students/faculty incase of riot outbreaks on campus (in the late 1960s and early 70s). At the time, having windows was necessary if you didn't have air conditioning. The architects had air conditioning installed into this building which let them build this riot proof outer wall. Pretty cool if I say so myself.

The Physical Science Center is the home to a lot of students, including myself. The unique no window concrete design gave it the name "the Blender," and the History behind it all makes it that much cooler!

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