Monday, December 1, 2014

Seth Thomas - ARCH 3013 - Blog #3

Cain's Ballroom, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a historic music venue originally built as a garage for an automobile company in 1924. In 1930, Madison W. "Daddy" Cain bought the garage, and named it Cain's Dance Academy. It was later bought out in 1976 and renamed Cain's Ballroom. An automobile garage transformed into a place of music and entertainment. 

Cain's Ballroom holds a special place in my heart. Popular bands as well as local bands would play at Cain's, making for a great place to hang out with friends while enjoying your favorite music. I went to my first concert in this historic building, and also watched my friend win Battle of the Bands. An old automobile garaged reinvented into a place of enjoyment that can still be heard to this day.

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