Monday, December 1, 2014

Seth Thomas - ARCH 3013 - Blog #12

Antilla, located in Mumbai, India, was built in 2010. Antilla is the world’s most expensive home, built for India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani (ranked 9th wealthiest person in the world with a fortune of $27 Billion). It is the worlds first billion dollar house, with a total cost of just under $2 billion. Each floor is differently decorated costing multi millions. 

Multimillion dollar homes have always interested me. If MTV cribs was still a thing, the Antilla would definitely be on their list. But the most crazy part about this house isn’t just the price, its that its completely abandoned. Yep, the $2 billion home is lying unused and abandoned because its billionaire owners believe moving in will bring them bad luck. HAH! Give me the keys, ill take my chances. Anyways, the design of the house is pretty unique but the story behind it is really interesting.

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