Monday, December 1, 2014

Mariam Edwar- Texas Capital (#8)

This is the Texas capital building. Although I am not a big fan of Texas state, the City of Austin is my third favorite in the United States. This building adds a great deal of Architectural beauty to the city. I have visited the capital twice and each time I discovered  new architectural features to it. Its architecture never bored me like a lot of other buildings. Its inside decorations and interior design is very elegant as well. I enjoy visiting this place a lot. I also have very fun memories at this building with friends which adds extra value for the building to me. When my mom visits me this summer from Iraq I will take her there and show her this building. She is a big fan of architecture and will enjoy this building greatly. The Architect of this building is Elijah E. Myers. He was also the designer of two other state capitals in the US.

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