Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mathew Christian-Week 12


Burton Hall here at the University of Oklahoma. This is the home of the Communication department. I just heard a rumor that it was meant to be designed like a boat. I do know that a long time ago, this building was once a building for family consumer science. This is a really worn-down building. You can tell where ovens use to be in that building. There is just stains all up and down the walls in every room. They need to remodel this building. I can understand that communication is not the most money making department in this school, but I think as time goes by, the Communication department is growing. They can use some of that money, from fees, to redesign the building. That is just my opinion. It is not the most desirable building, but I have spent enough time there it is kind of my fourth home. My favorite part of this building is the lounge. There needs to be easier access to power outlets in the lounge though.  There is a fireplace, but it is never in use, and there a two patios with a table and chairs for each patio. The best part of the patios, is the fact that you can go outside and you are hidden by the shrubs in the front. That way, you can enjoy the outside and be semi-private. Overall I think this is good building, but it just needs some love and care, and maybe a few thousand dollars for remodeling.

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