Friday, November 7, 2014

Blog # 11 Bageh Eram Shiraz- Iran Tahereh Dinpajooh


Baghe Eram is a garden located in Shiraz and can be translated into Garden of heaven. Inside Baghe Eram, you have a huge beautiful garden and a building that both were designed by Ilkhanate leader tribe of Qashgai in the middle of the 19th century. Over 150 years ago it was renovated many times by local architectures, mainly by the Zand and Qajar dynasties. The building is two stories tall and has 32 rooms with a special title designed with the poems of Hafez (legendary Iranian poet). The outside of the building has nice windows and columns facing the pool surrounding many beautiful trees. One the things that I love about this historical garden house is the exterior and interior handcrafted designs. Garden Eram house is surrounded by many different kinds of beautiful flowers like rose palm trees. I choose Eram Garden because it is a unique place that I have always enjoyed and admired the structure and decorations of the building.

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