The Dallas Museum of Art is one of of my favorite buildings in Dallas. The exterior of this building is rather interesting in the fact that it has this nice elegant entryway with a huge arch and parts of it has sharp edges and angles but the arch just takes over and you see rounded smooth edges. However, on the other sides with entrances the museum looks very modern and almost boring with sleek sharp edges and windows, it's like different views of the building give you different feelings. For me, sharp edges make me feel uncomfortable which is one reason why I chose not to picture a different entrance to the museum, but this arch over the entry makes me feel like it's a nice building that one can really enjoy. The inside of the museum is like many other museums with different floors and wings, high ceilings and a bunch of glass cases. I think what makes this building stand out is this entry, I truly enjoy looking at it.
-Heather Reynolds
I like th sculpture garden the best