Thursday, September 25, 2014

Meyerson Symphony Center Heather Reynolds

This is the Meyerson Symphony Center in downtown Dallas.  I have visited the building as a young child and even played flute in it a few times.  I love this building.  It is modern on the outside with a lot of straight angles and an abstract look and also has this huge window space which is even more awesome from the inside because the whole interior lobby is lit up with natural sky light.  Inside the actual theater is this huge pipe organ and stage with beautiful red velvet seating and fancy wood walls.  My words can't do the grandeous beautiful inside justice so I have to post a picture of the inside as well.
Isn't it just gorgeous?  Even the lighting is beautiful and it just all comes together to present a gorgeous scene and amazing experience.  Of course looking from the outside you would never think that this could be what the inside looks like but it is and it's amazing.  This building gives me this overwhelming feeling of awe and holds amazing memories for me.

-Heather Reynolds

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